What is the best time of year to replace the windows in your home?

As we near the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring/Summer season, we all look forward to opening our windows and enjoying more of the beautiful weather outdoors. We tend to interact with our windows more during the better weather months of April through September and it is during those times we may start to really notice the condition of our home’s windows more.

The windows could be old, in need of repair or very close to it, the glass or seals could be damaged, or you have frame issues. You may also decide you just want to upgrade your windows to a newer style or technology like Tilt and Turn windows or Sliding Aluminum windows from your old, outdated wood or vinyl windows.


So, when should I replace my home’s windows?

Now that you know you would like to replace the windows in your home, when actually is the best time of year to do so?

The warmer months are always ideal for outdoor activities such as window replacement. Spring and Summer months allow us more use of our windows to air out our homes or to let fresh air in. Since we’re using our windows more during those seasons, it would be a great idea to look at replacing them then so we can enjoy our windows during heavier times of use. 

The nicer weather also makes it easier for replacement windows for the entire home at once, making the process faster and easier.

Plus, with current window technology and safety innovations, newer windows will add more benefits than just style and looks. For example, with tilt and turn windows, you have more options with how you can open your windows and the functionality than standard windows, allowing better possibilities for airflow, safety, and more.

Can I replace my home’s windows in the Fall and Winter? 

While summer is a great time to replace your windows, it doesn’t mean you can’t replace them in the fall or winter or that colder seasons are that much worse. 

It can get uncomfortably hot during the summer months which makes any outdoor work difficult. Heat also brings storms with rain, thunder, and lightning, making installation unsafe and sometimes impossible.

Also, since the warmer months are better typically to work in, window companies can be booked solid, and waiting for your installation could be lengthy. You are definitely in the busy season when everyone is looking for new windows. It may also be harder to find “deals” on window replacement just because the demand is high enough to not warrant discounts.

Colder months tend to have less backlog for window replacement projects and window companies have more time available for installation. They may also have better pricing available since this is typically their slow season.

This is a benefit for getting your windows replaced quickly and steps can be implemented and your home prepared to seal off much of the cold air coming in and making the process less of a hassle overall. It may take a few hours longer overall in the process due to the colder weather, but proper preparation will alleviate many issues you could potentially face.

This doesn’t mean that Winter is without its own challenges. Namely cold and snow, and other extreme conditions, depending on where you are. Just like Summer with its oppressive heat and storms, bone-chilling cold and snow on the ground can make new windows more difficult to install, and could delay your installation project. There’s no easy way to install windows in a blizzard!

Is there a best time of year to replace the windows in your home?

Honestly, window replacement should be done when you are ready for new windows. While each season has its benefits for replacing windows, they also each have their disadvantages, which means anytime can be the right time of year for new windows.

If you have structural or functionality issues with your windows, you should not wait to have them serviced or replaced. Call in a qualified expert window replacement specialist to assess your situation and the condition of your windows and find the best replacement window solutions for your home.

Do your research into what styles of windows and materials are available. Custom windows for your home can allow you to truly get the look, feel, and functionality that you want without the high costs typically associated with custom-made windows. Newer technology available to homeowners also means better safety standards and higher efficiency than the windows you are replacing, which could mean cost savings over the lifetime of your windows and adding substantial value to your home.


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